The “Stories” Blog

Discover the stories behind handcrafted jewelry, its artistry, and the heart within it. It's a space where I contemplate how to stay rooted in this fast-paced, digital age.

My journey with handcrafted jewelry began as a quest for peace, a way to hold stillness in my hands. Yet, I wonder, should the way I share this journey be just as tranquil and mindful? This reflection highlighted a deep longing—for the simple stories and genuine connections that get lost in the noise of the everyday.

Thus, I've decided to carve out a different path, a quieter one, richer in shared experiences. Welcome to 'Stories'. Consider this your invitation into a space where we celebrate the art of handcrafted jewelry, the behind-the-scenes tales of an artisan, the power of women-owned small businesses, and the unique stories that emerge from Porpe Artifacts, a Washington based jewelry studio.